This is a pretty easy recipe, and you can adjust all the ingredients to suit your own tastes.
And be sure to include the Kale. For those of you "afraid" of it, it literally disappears into the soup once blended and offers a
ton of nutritional value.
3 heads of broccoli (chopped up, including stem, just cut off any brown bits)
1 stalk of celery chopped
6-7 stalks of kale
1 chopped medium onion
1 anchovy (optional of course)
2 cloves of chopped fresh garlic
Salt, pepper, and pepper flakes to taste
2 cups of water
1 teaspoon of bouillon (or one small cube)
1/2 Cup fresh ricotta
1/4 cup grated pecorino

Coat the bottom of a medium pot with Villa Cappelli Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Throw everything in but the water, bouillon and cheese. Cook until everything starts to get a little soft and you get a little caramelization or color on the veggies. Add in the water and bouillon and let it come up to a boil and cook for about 10 minutes. Throw everything into a Vitamix (or other high powered blender) with the cheese and blend away. You might have to do this in batches. Serve with a drizzle of fresh Villa Cappelli Extra Virgin Olive Oil up on top.
Note, if you don't have the cheese on hand or want to use something else, you can substitute cream, milk or even cream cheese.